10 First Day of Homeschool Ideas for Older Kids

We are in the middle of summer here but the season will fly by and before we know it the first day of school will be upon us. While the hot days right now are filled with swimming, bonfires, and popsicles, if you are a homeschool mom like me you are probably thinking about curriculum and fall schedules.  

school supplies and shoes

One of the fun ways to start off your homeschool year is to do something out of the ordinary for the first day.  Almost like a celebration for the upcoming year.  

While we are a homeschooling family, you don’t have to homeschool to do something fun the first day.  If your kids go to school outside of the home you can just plan an exciting, out of the ordinary activity for when they get home.

Personally, before I had kids I said I never would homeschool but God had other plans and I am about to begin my 14th year of homeschooling.  It seems crazy to think I’ve been doing it that long. 

In some ways it feels like I’ve been doing it forever, in other ways it’s really flown by.

By the time my youngest finishes high school I will have homeschooled for 19 years!  Those early years were tough but over time we figured out our groove, which curriculum we loved best, what worked for us, and what didn’t. 

One of the best pieces of advice I can give when it comes to homeschooling is to not expect to figure it out all at once. 

If I’m completely honest I’d say it’s only in the last 3 years I’ve really figured out what works the best for us and what doesn’t when it comes to curriculum.

First day of Homeschool Ideas

1.  Go on a field trip

Start the year by going on a field trip to a factory, museum, aquarium, or historical site.  Pack a lunch and make a day out of it. 

Meet up with some other homeschool families to enjoy some company and maybe even get a discount with a larger group for the place you are attending.

2. Have a picnic at a beach

The best part about homeschooling? When all the kids go back to school you get the whole beach to yourself – or at least a less busy beach spot. 

Why not pack a picnic with some of your children’s favorite foods, toss in some swimsuits, and celebrate the first day at the beach.

friends doing school together

3.  Throw a Not-Back-To-School Party

So, yes, technically you are starting school for the year again, but your kids are not GOING to school, they are staying home to do their school.  So why not invite some friends over and throw a “not-back-to-school” party? 

Plan some snacks and games, decorate with balloons and streamers and it’s a great way to start the year.

4.  Start the day with a small gift

At breakfast time put a gift at each child’s spot.  This could be something as small as a special notebook or some brand new pencil crayons, or a bigger item like a new outfit or pair of shoes. 

I love to get my kids some back-to-school supplies because even though they aren’t going TO school, there’s nothing like getting new coloring pencils or fun erasers.

pencil crayons

5.  Start the day off with a special breakfast

Look, I’m going to be straight up honest with you – breakfast in my house is nothing special.  We aren’t morning people and everyone kind of fends for themselves. 

But on the first day of school a special pancake or waffle breakfast complete with toppings such as whipped cream and strawberries could be a great way to start the year.  Alternatively, you can end the day with a special dinner.

6. Write each child a special note or card

There is so much value in reminding your kids how special they are, and that you are their biggest cheerleader as they start a new year. 

Kids who are homeschooled are not immune to having years that are challenging when it comes to school work, sports, music lessons, and more and they need the support from their parents as they grow. 

Starting the year off with a sweet letter or note can remind them that they’ve got this!

7.  Do 1st day of School Interviews

Interview each child, writing down the answers as you ask them questions such as what they hope to accomplish this year, and what they are most excited about. 

At the end of the year you can revisit these interviews and see if the year went how they expected.

8.  Have an “outside” school day

There’s something special and so enjoyable about doing school outside.  Especially in the backyard when the neighborhood is suddenly quiet because all the other kids went back to school. 

Celebrate the first day by doing schoolwork in the great outdoors.

9. Have an ice cream sundae bar

Kids of all ages love ice cream, but they especially love it when they can top it with all kinds of candies and sauces.  The combinations are endless and it’s sure to be a hit on the first day. 

However, if you have teens like I do make sure you have PLENTY of ice cream as my teens are in the “always hungry” phase of life.

10.  Go to a library and a used bookstore

My kids get absolutely excited for books and any time we take a trip to a used bookstore their excitement levels never disappoint.

Take your kids to a used bookstore and buy them each one book – they will think it’s the best day ever.  Make it a double whammy of a day and bring them to a library as well!


Make the First Day of Homeschool Memorable

Create first day of school traditions that your children will remember for years to come!  Or, if you are like me do something new and different every year on the first day of homeschool. 

I like to do it that way because I can change the things we do to relate more to the age they are.   This year is the last year of homeschooling for my oldest before she heads out to college next year so I want to make it extra special! 

My plan is some new supplies, a special breakfast of waffles, and maybe a picnic at the beach along with a special note for each child.  It’ll be an exciting year in our house as my oldest child finishes schooling at home.

What about you?  Do you have any homeschooling traditions you do on the first day of school?  How do you make it memorable and special for your family?

desk covered in school supplies


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