Best Jobs for Making your own Hours
Are you looking for a job where you can make your own hours? There are some jobs that are better than others for that kind of thing. Read on to see what kind of work you can do where you can set your own schedule.
I consider myself very blessed to be able to make my own hours for working. As a work-at-home mom I am very thankful to be able to make an income from home while raising and homeschooling my children.
But I think sometimes we have this notion that working from home is a piece of cake. It can be very difficult finding balance when you are working from home and raising your kids. You can get lost in your work very easily and before you know it you’ve neglected the ten other things on your list to get done.
I’ve definitely struggled with this over the years and I’ve had to learn balance. I definitely haven’t perfected it, but I do get a little better at it each year.
That being said, I wouldn’t trade working from home for the world. It gives me so much flexibility, and I love being my own boss as someone who is self-employed. In my opinion, it falls into the category of jobs with the best hours. Make your own schedule jobs are great.
But this post today isn’t just about working form home, it’s about making you own hours, and the truth is you can work outside of your home but still make your own hours, depending on your job.
And for some people they much prefer leaving their home to work.
On super hard days where I’ve locked myself in the bathroom to have a little mom-cry (don’t look at me like that, I know you’ve done it too) working outside of the home looks pretty good. 🙂
All kidding aside, whether you want to work from home our outside of your home, there are jobs that you get to set your own hours. And I think I’d find very few people who didn’t want the flexibility of being able to do that.
Maybe making your own hours in your job has been a desire of yours, but you just aren’t sure what’s out there for those who want to do that.
Well, today I’m going to share with you some great jobs you can do that give you that power.
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Okay, I’m going to start with what I do as a great job to set your own hours. Blogging has given me the ability to grow at the speed I want to. I have had times I’ve put in 30 hours a week, and others where I’ve just put in ten.
We are about to head into summer vacation here, and as my fourth summer as a blogger I feel like I have a lot of control over being able to cut back on hours over the summer months, yet still pull in a paycheck. For the next couple months I will work on average 10 hours a week, and will pick it up more in September again. More than likely my blog won’t suffer at all.
There’s even been times, three weeks being the longest, where I couldn’t work on it at all. It just sat there. And yet it still made me money.
Now, I don’t want to make it sound like it’s easy money. If I had continued to do that I would have seen a loss of income eventually, but because I’ve put in enough hours at other times it allows me to cut back in busier seasons of my life.
It doesn’t matter what time of day I work either. It’s whatever works for me. Like any job it comes with it’s challenges, but overall I couldn’t be happier that I get to do this.
Freelance Writer
This is also something I’ve done on the side. A freelance writer might write for publications online or offline. More than likely as a freelance writer you will have deadlines for your clients, but as long as you finish by that deadline, you can set your own hours and work on your articles any time you want, for however long you want.
Music Lesson Teacher
My husband was a piano teacher for many years and this was another job that worked really well to set your own hours. Many people do lessons for kids after school, but some people go into the schools and do lessons during the day for kids as well.
You can choose how many hours a week you want to work, what days, and if you want to do any lessons on the weekend or whether you will take extended holidays.
Dog Walker
Lots of people have dogs that they just don’t get out walking enough whether it’s due to the owner’s lack of mobility, working long hours, or just too exhausted. You can walk their dogs for them (and who doesn’t want to hang out with such lovable furry friends?)
This job allows you to decide when YOU can walk the dogs, and how many you can do at once or in a day.
Another job working with kids, you more than likely will need to work after school hours or weekends, but you get to decide within those times what hours you are available.
If you work for yourself, you can set your own hours. While many self-employed carpenters work regular work hours, there are others who work in the evening, sometimes around another job.
The best part of being a self-employed carpenter is that if you need time off for an appointment, to deal with an emergency in your life, or even just for vacation, you get to decide when to make that possible. It’s a great job to have while being in control of your schedule.
Hair dresser
Again, another great job to set your own hours if you are self-employed. Some hair dressers even have a hair dressing studio in their own home so you come to them to get your hair cut. A home studio makes it really, really easy to set your own hours.
A transcriptionist writes down what they hear from a recorded speech or interview. If you can type fast and want a job that you can set your own hours at, this is a good choice.
Maybe you’ve been dreaming of working at a job where you get to decide how much you work, and WHEN you work. Years ago those jobs seemed few and far between but that just isn’t the case anymore. I truly believe most people can change their career to something that better fits their lifestyle if that’s what they really want to do.
It is always scary taking that jump, but often it’s really worth it.