
Homemade Chunky Applesauce

Making homemade chunky applesauce is pretty simple, and canning it isn’t that hard either.

homemade chunky applesauce

Last year when we moved to our homestead we were excited to see we had four apple trees on the property.  However, last year was a horrible year for apples.  We didn’t really get any here, but even apple orchards were struggling last year.

Because it was our first year here, we didn’t know if that was normal and we just had trees that didn’t produce well, or if we would be blessed with apples on the tree this year.

I am happy to say, our trees are producing nicely this Summer.

homemade chunky applesauce


While some of the trees still need a little more time, we did have one tree that had apples ready on it last week.  Naturally I wanted to make some applesauce.

However, I also had strawberries left in the freezer, so of course I had to make strawberry applesauce.

Making homemade chunky applesauce is a pretty simple procedure.  The biggest thing is that it is time consuming peeling and coring all those apples.

We have one of those apple peeler/corer things (clearly I don’t know what the actual name of that contraption 🙂 ) but you could peel them with a potato peeler or paring knife too.  It will just take longer.  I’m not a patient person so using the peeler/corer was torture enough for me.

Anyways, all you basically need to do is cut your apples, toss them in a pot with a bit of water, and add sugar to taste if you want, but many people make it without sugar.  Our apples were a bit sour, so I added the sugar.


this is the measurements we used.

6 lbs of apples

2 cups strawberries

1 cup of water

1 cup of sugar


You don’t have to add the strawberries if you don’t want to or don’t have any on hand.  You could just use apples, or you could use another fruit, such as blueberries or raspberries.

Place the prepared apples and strawberries (if using) in a big pot with the water.  The water is to prevent the apples from burning on the bottom.

homemade chunky applesauce

Set your stove to medium heat.  Be sure to watch carefully and stir often to avoid the apples burning.

I used a potato masher as they softened to crush the apples.  If you don’t want chunky applesauce but would rather a smoother texture, you can always toss the apples in a blender or food processor to puree it.

chunky homemade applesauce

Once it was the consistency I wanted,  I added the sugar.  I added a little at a time, and then I would taste test it to get it to the sweetness I wanted it.  Once you stir the sugar in, let the applesauce cook for another couple minutes.

That’s basically all there is to it!


You can process this applesauce in canning jars to make them shelf stable.  If you haven’t canned before and need some basic instructions, check out how to safely can by reading THIS post.

Always make sure you are following safety guidelines when it comes to canning!  It is SO SO important.

So, for canning the applesauce, you can ladle the finished homemade chunky applesauce into jars that you have washed with warm soapy water.

I like to use a rubber spatula to get any air bubbles out of the jars by running it around the inside of the jar.  You can also use a wooden chopstick for this.

Next,  I wipe down the rims with a clean cloth or paper towel.

homemade chunky applesauce

Put the canning lids on, screw the bands on to hold the lids in place, and put them in your canning pot that is boiling and ready.

homemade chunky applesauce

Process them for 15 minutes in the canner.  Make sure the lid is on the canner while you process the applesauce.

When they are finished and completely cooled, be sure to check the lids to make sure they all sealed.  It depends on who you ask, but I prefer to take the bands off before I stick them on the shelf.  The reason for this is because if one of your jars was to become unsealed, you would be more likely to notice it when there isn’t a screw band holding it into place, thus avoiding eating something that could potentially make you sick.

And that’s all there is to it!  Making homemade chunky applesauce is quite easy – it is just a bit time consuming, but totally worth the effort.

homemade chunky applesauce

Homemade Chunky Applesauce

5 from 1 vote


  • 6 lbs apples
  • 2 cups strawberries, hulled
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup white sugar


  • Peel, core, and cut 6 lbs of apples into chunks.  
  • Place the apples, strawberries, and water in a pot and cook on medium heat.  Mash them down with a potato masher as they soften.  Be sure to stir often to prevent burning.
  • Once you have mashed the applesauce to the consistency you want, stir in the sugar.  
  • cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Remove from element and let cool.


  • Prepare canning jars by washing the jars and lids with warm soapy water.
  • Ladle the hot applesauce into prepared jars.  Run a rubber spatula or chopstick around the inside of the jars to get rid of air bubbles.
  • Wipe down rims and stick the canning lids and screw bands on each jar.
  • Place in canner that has boiling hot water in it.  Put the lid on and process for 15 minutes.
  • Take out and let cool.  Be sure that all the lids sealed correctly.



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  1. What a blessing to have all those apples! We had apple trees when I was a child and spent a lot of time peeling apples around the kitchen table. My Mom’s rule was that if you were going to eat it over the winter you needed to help save it.

    1. I definitely think your Mom had a good rule. Lol. I often tell the story of Henny Penny to the kids to remind them that we all help out. 🙂

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