Baby Chicks
Baby chicks are here!!!
Can you believe the cuteness of these little fuzzballs? They came to us as day-olds. When I brought them home I started getting that whole “come-home-from-the-hospital-with-newborn-in-tow” jitter. You know the one – where you can’t believe they let you take the baby home because you don’t have a clue on what you are doing, and how are you going to keep it alive??
The good news is, I brought three babies home from the hospital and they not only survived, but are thriving. And since the oldest is ten, I must be doing something right all these years.
Nonetheless, I was terrified I might not be able to keep these chickies alive. I had fully prepared myself for months, reading forums and talking to fellow chicken owners about heat lamps and brooder boxes, coops and feed, etc. The biggest thing I learned is that if you ask ten people what to do with these little birds, you could very well get ten different opinions. The first few days I was constantly worried that they were too cold or too hot, if they had the dreaded “pasty butt” that chicks can get, or if my cat would eat them. Or worse yet, what if I burned down the house with the heat lamp?
But here we are, almost a week later and they are all looking happy and healthy, and my house is still standing. Although, my cat is a little mad that he doesn’t get free reign of the house at night anymore but has to be restricted to half the house, just in case he decides he wants a midnight chick snack.
I had no idea I’d fall in love with them so fast.
Apparently the birds outside were a little jealous though, cause this little guy came flying into our window, getting stuck between the open pane and the screen. The husband rescued him.