September in the Country.
What is it about a country kitchen that brings out the cook or baker in us. Here in Canada the air is getting cooler, and it’s the time of year that most of us get excited to wear sweaters, light our woodstoves, and cook all things pumpkin.
Speaking of woodstoves, year after year after year, this was the conversation my husband and I have had up until now:
Me: It’s chilly outside. and I can smell a woodstove out there.
Husband: Man, I wish we had a woodstove.
Me: Me too.
But that was SO last year. Check this baby out:
And oh yes, we have already put this thing to work. I tell ya, it was a perfect moment. I can already picture the mittens hanging to dry next to it. Is it crazy that I get giddy over the thought of that?
Actually, don’t answer that.
Anyways, back to the kitchen. For basically my whole adult life so far I have had very old, used stoves. I have had countless batches of cookies, banana breads, and who knows what else not turn out. Burning on the outside and raw on the inside. One side cooked and one side uncooked. Uneven cooking has basically become an expectation for me.
Not anymore. We bought a new stove when we moved in to our new house a few months ago.
Did you know that ovens are supposed to cook food evenly??? I had no idea.
And now I must bake and cook at all times. And it’s September so cooking needs to involve pumpkin. Obviously.
They still won’t love me. I think they’re using me for my kitty food.
Rejection aside, I am really enjoying our first September in the country. Especially because it’s 5 days till our baby chicks arrive!!!!