
How to Afford Hosting Guests in your Home

I have had times in my life when I’ve wondered how we would make it through the month when the math just didn’t add up.  During those times My husband and I would want to have guests over, but it was a struggle to figure out how to pay for the necessities we felt we needed to practice hospitality.  Unfortunately, we didn’t do it as much as we wanted to because we were worried we couldn’t afford to give our guests a decent enough experience when they visited.

how to afford hosting guests

We sometimes convince ourselves that every time we have someone over it needs to be a big production.  We’re trying to keep up with all those Pinterest pictures, and if we can’t reproduce something worthy to be posted online, well then, why even bother.

Except that, nothing could be further from the truth.  Hospitality is about making people feel welcome and loved, and the best part about it is that you do not need a bunch of money to do that.  There are ways to host guests on a very tight budget.  Don’t miss out on amazing opportunities with people you love because you are worried that you won’t be able to keep up with the Joneses.

Today I am so excited because I am guest posting over at the site, Money Saving Mom about this very subject.  I tell you how to afford hosting guests in your home, all while saving money and keeping within your tight budget.  Money Saving Mom has been one of my favorite sites over the years and the owner of that site, Crystal, is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to saving money and scoring some of the best deals around.  Be sure to read my full article and check out the rest of her site HERE.

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