Christmas Planning Printables

Today I’m excited to bring you some free Christmas planning printables.  Because, I like printables, and I like Christmas. 🙂

Christmas Planning Printables

I’ve been really pumped about today’s post.  Actually, I’ve been a little excited about all my posts in the past week.  You see, as a blogger sometimes you get some writer’s block.  Oh, you still write through a block because you can’t just stop writing.  But you just aren’t very impressed with the things you are writing.  Yet, you still hit publish anyways, because writer’s block or no writer’s block, you still gotta pay the bills.  (yes, blogging pays my bills. If you want to know more about making money as a blogger, read this post.)

But with Christmas coming I’ve had some posts I’ve been really excited about.  Goodbye writer’s block, at least for a little while. 🙂

The Christmas planning printables that I am sharing today I started to create back in the Summer.  I didn’t know what I wanted to do with them for awhile, but I knew that the printables I was creating was something I would use myself, so I was hoping there were others out there who might feel the same way.

You see, Christmas is so busy.  I know you know that.  There’s a lot of planning that goes into it.  Writing it down is going to help you with a few things.

First, and of course, my favorite, is that it will help you save money.  How?  Well, there’s Christmas budgeting sheets included.  There’s a place where you can jot down your Christmas list you need to buy for and an amount of what you would like to spend for each gift as well.  And then there’s a general Christmas budget sheet that will help you keep track of all the big expenses.  You know, the gifts, the decorations, the food, etc.

Speaking of food, in this printable pack you’ll find a place to write down your menu plan for Christmas day and Christmas eve.  I don’t know about you, but I LOVE planning my menu for Christmas.  It’s the one time of year I don’t feel like I need to be so careful about what I eat and I’m ready to enjoy all the things I love.

Fun fact:  Christmas is the only time of the year I buy brie.  It’s my favorite cheese in the whole world.  But I only buy it once a year for the whole reason that if I bought it more often I would make myself sick.  Because I just don’t know when to stop because brie is amazing.

It’s November 3rd and I’m already dreaming of how delicious my brie is going to be.

Anways, I digress…

You will also find a to-do list in this pack that you can write down and check off.  Because we all have a to-do list at Christmas time.  Often a little longer than we’d like.  You don’t want to miss anything.

And back to the food, you’ll find recipe pages where you can jot down your favorite Christmas recipes.  I mean, you are going to need a place to write down your favorite recipe of peanut butter balls, right?

Basically, if you can balance your food, your budget, and what you need to get done over the holidays, you’ll be in good shape.

Or at least better shape than if you hadn’t planned it out.

I love any planner or printable that helps me save money.  I’m already thinking of ways I can bless my kids this Christmas, yet still save some cash.

One of the things I want to try this year is to make most of our stocking stuffers.  So far I’m planning on making some homemade Christmas play dough, some Grinch slime (green slime), a Christmas ornament for each of them, cookies or treats of some kind, some hot chocolate mix in a cool display (maybe a Christmas ornament or a cute jar with mini marshmallows included) and whatever else I can think of.  I imagine I’ll buy a few things for their stockings, but the goal is to keep that to a minimum.

As for gifts, we try to keep it simple.  A few years ago we adopted the “something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read” mantra and keep it at 4 gifts each.  It’s worked really well for our family and it helps us stay within budget.

While I adore Christmas, I don’t want to get to the end of the Christmas season and be in debt or have a large bill.  I want Christmas to be paid for up front.  The holidays are much more enjoyable if you aren’t carrying around extra consumer debt from the celebration.

I want January to come and for me to feel good about our budget and our finances.  January is always a great time to start fresh, and it’s really hard to start fresh when you now have to think about paying off Christmas.

So, the question is, how can you get these printables I have below?  All you need to do is subscribe to my newsletter, and you’ll get a link for the Christmas printables right to your inbox!

And, by subscribing to my newsletter you not only get the Christmas printables, you get access to my resource library which has a couple eBooks, and some other printables.  On top of that you’ll get weekly updates  of all that’s happening over here at Simple Life of a Frugal Wife.  (When you sign up it sometimes takes 10 minutes or so for the email to hit your inbox.  Also, if you can’t find the email, check your spam.  Sometimes they end up in there.)


I hope these forms will take a bit of the stress out of Christmas for you.  Because we all know how stressful the season can be, and that takes away from the magic of the holiday.  If there are things we can do to minimize the stress level at Christmas, why not do it, right?  Being a little bit more organized, and staying within budget can help you with that.

Also, if you love these Christmas printables and want to know how you can get more printables for other times of the year, check out my printables shop. 



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